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The One        

Video with Lyrics 

1.Still                                                                    3.40

2. Loving You                                                     3.49


3. I'm Glad                                                          3.50


4. The One                                                         3.36

5. Dear Ben                                                       3.15   â€‹

6. All I Have                                                        4.14​


7.Jenny from the Block                                    3.13 ​


8. Again                                                              5.47


9. You Belong to Me                                         3.30​


10. I've Been Thinkin                                        3.41​                   


11. Baby I Love U!                                             3.48


​Sonia Roy 's latest album 'The One' is now avalible for download on iTune and Spotify as well as being sale on popular leading music stores. The album is contain of 11 tracks inculding the number one single which prompted the name for the album due to its sucess.

The One ​

Official Album OUT NOW ​


One Love Single

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